Thursday, December 6, 2007

Intro to Bash Brother #2- Dave "Badmojo"

There is no way these guys were on Steroids??!!?!

Dave is a Bash Brother by association, in most circles a
"Wannabe" or "Wannabe Basher".

Dave at Work!

He has felt left out of the Brotherhood due to his lack of participation
in the 2007 Cubs Camp.

Dave is also known as "Badmojo", and is in the mortgage business.
He will receive his business "plug-ola" at a later date. Badmojo plays
on a Beverly Hills softball team with the DeCarlo brothers
(i.e. Alumni Bash Brothers). He is impressed with himself in
that he can "rake"
off an underhanded pitcher.

cool factor is that his wife is expecting twins after many prayers
and "work", if you get my drift!

The Bash Brotherhood hangs up our "Bash hat" temporarily to send
a BIG Congrats to Mojo and his wife....and the dogs too.
Many prayers for a healthy family.

Time to put the "Bash Hat" back on.....NEW BASH HAT!
Due to Popular demand!

Hey Dave! Part Velcro - Part toxic Waste......
Get your sleep now!!!

Two for the price of One!

Badmojo wanted to participate in the Bash Brothers Blog. Here
is his "idea" of creativity. That is why Dave is in mortgages!

Dave and the Mrs. wish you a happy holiday!

Dave needs another Bash Hat for this!BASH HAT!

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