Thursday, February 28, 2008

Welcome to our New Segment...Ask Dr Heart!

Dear Dr Heart....
What is Wrong with Mark DeRosa's Heart?
Re-entrant tacchycardias
There is an extra pathway, or "wire" if you will, for electricity to take
in some people's heart. Now and then the normal wire and the extra
wire can form a circuit that perpetuates itself more rapidly than normal.
A radio frequency ablation fries that extra "wire" so the abnormal rapid
conduction can't take place.
It's one of those heart things
that can be completely cured about 95% of the time.
Seldom had any long term consequences.

Stay tuned for more Cubs Health Q & A with Dr. Heart!


Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Heart,

I take Viagra for "tennis elbow" (if you know what I mean) and now I have a condition known as "hot dog fingers." What should I do?

Ballpark Frank

Anonymous said...

Doc Heart-

My friend Sherm's wife is having a problem with his um-heart in the old sackeroo. Is there something he can do to get the "abnormal rapid conduction" turned around? These problems are also causing him to sleep past 4:30 AM, crippling his productivity.


Doug outdog

Anonymous said...

Question for Doc Hart and Eye Doc: smitty can't hit too good. Is that becuz baseball players give him a boner and the blood rushes from his aorta to u know where and when he stands up his eyes cross?

Anonymous said...

No dawg it becuzz his wood broke