Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Here's Looking at You!

Camp Report! Better late than never!
More LATE Breaking news to come!
My turn to rant....
This year I was having a hard time visually
picking up the ball while batting.
I was hitting the world's shortest single or
juusssst making it over the infielder's head.
I got on base alot...Singles...and had a couple solid
shots...not like 2007...except the one shot was a shot
and almost made it out. Yes Badmojo...ALMOST
is the key word! LEGS WORKED! Running Macheen!
Turns Eye Doctor had changed my
Contact prescription to Monovision...which in turn
screws up depth perception. The main resaon I was swinging
a half second early. Never Struck out though!
My contacts now have a depth perception lens.
And now we will be looking at my hits going out and not up!
Where was Dr Raker when I needed him!
Obviously looking up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard you was hittin short singles