Tuesday, January 20, 2009


You are now our Leader and you
have inspired millions.
Last time a President had this
much game was President Kennedy.
I wish you nothing but success and
that our great nation will rise over
our current challenges.

#1 -That I will be able to go to Cubs Camp
in 2010
#2- Get my Retirement Money back
#3- Cubs will win a World Series while
I'm still alive.
#4- That the loyal will be able to get Cubs Tickets
for Generations.

What is #4 about?
Read below!

So now we know how the new owner of the Cubs is going to finance the inevitable renovations at Wrigley Field. Get ready for seat licenses, season ticket holders.

The Cubs dropped hints that seat licenses could become a reality at last weekend's convention. Executive Vice-president Mark McGuire talked about the subject during a Q-and-A with fans.

When asked directly about seat licenses, Mr. McGuire said the new owner would "look at all opportunities to figure out what they've got to do to renovate Wrigley Field to make it the way they'd like it, and that would be one of the things that's a possibility."

JOE! Say it isn't so!

My best bet is to take the Murnyak Strain on Vacation!
Holiday Presents for Life!

Ralph! What will I need to do? You have Season tickets!
No inheritance for the Grandkids?
Except they would have good seats at the
Cubs game!

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